Meeru Island Resort & Spa Maldives

With a stay at this accommodation, which provides complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms, you can start your trip off well. This facility puts you close to attractions and fascinating dining alternatives because of its convenient location in the North Male Atoll region of the Maldive Islands. Don't leave without visiting the renowned Chickens Surf Point. This excellent hotel's 4.5-star rating gives visitors access to its on-site massage, restaurant, and hot tub.
With one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Meeru Island Resort invites you to enjoy a vacation full of beach activities with a touch of authentically Maldivian flavour woven throughout.Meeru takes pride in providing more than 40 years of outstanding service to the Maldives hotel sector. Explore the island's native Maldivian culture, including our own cutting-edge island museum, to learn more. Together, you and your loved ones will undoubtedly create Magical Moments here.