Maldives New Hotels 2020-2024
The Maldives, a soug...

Maldives Transfers
The Republic of Mald...
A significant deadline for operational resorts to submit Utility Services' as-built design reports has been established by the Utility Regulatory Authority (URA) of the Maldives. Unless an extension has been requested, resorts are required to submit their reports to the URA by September 24, 2023. To guarantee a fair and effective procedure, extension requests will be assessed individually.
The as-built design report, which outlines technical data for each resort's water, sewage, and waste management systems, is an essential document. All operational resorts are required to comply with the URA's minimal standards.
The configuration of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant, the water network structure, and the drawing of the brine outfall should all be included in the report for water systems. The Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) plan, the sewer network layout, and the Sewer Outfall drawing must all be included in sewage systems. The report should include the site layout, waste transfer route, and sewer outfall drawing for the Waste Management Centre (WMC).
Resorts are expected to gather data regarding utility services (water, sewage, and waste management) and provide a thorough report. Upgrades to the power system must be included as well, and they must have the signature of a registered engineer attesting to their dependability and compliance with safety regulations.
The resort will be eligible for the registration and licensing process for utility services starting in November 2023 once the as-built design report is turned in. There will be time for resorts with non-compliance problems to address and fix errors. To ensure a quick and easy registration and licensing procedure for utility services, the URA is asking for cooperation from all currently operating resorts.
The Maldives, a soug...
The Republic of Mald...