Maldives New Hotels 2020-2024
The Maldives, a soug...

Maldives Transfers
The Republic of Mald...
The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC/ Visit Maldives) have revealed that participation for MATTA 2024 is now open. The event is scheduled for 22-24 March 2024 and is targeted towards Malaysia and the Southeast Asian region. Limited participation spots are available due to space constraints at the event venue.
Visit Maldives aim to showcase Maldives as the most favorite holiday destination in the Southeast Asian county, highlighting the rich culture and legacy through this three-day event. Associated with the strategy to support the Maldives brand and destination incidence, Visit Maldives aims to connect with key travel trade partners in the market to raise the impact of the Maldives tourism industry. MMPRC’s participation in MATTA provides important opportunities to support halal tourism, targeting travelers in this market. Additionally, the Maldives place this year incorporates semi-private meeting table instead of counter with a selection of moving features.
The Malaysian market holds immense potential for the Maldives. In the previous year, it ranked 26th as a resource market with a prominent 13,551 arrivals. Participation in this fair present an brilliant chance to further increase arrivals from this region and attain major growth.
Interested tourism industry companies who would like to get part in this affair with Visit Maldives can participate by the Members Portal (members.visitmaldives.com) before 1500 hours on Wednesday, 28th February 2024. Please make sure that membership renewal/registration for 2024 is complete to be suitable for participation
The Maldives, a soug...
The Republic of Mald...