Old Town Inn - Maldive Islands Hotels

With a stay at this accommodation, which provides complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms, you can start your trip off well. This facility puts you close to attractions and fascinating dining alternatives because of its convenient location in the North Male Atoll region of the Maldive Islands. Don't leave without visiting the renowned Chickens Surf Point. The restaurant of this three-star hotel will make your stay more luxurious and memorable.
Our Gaafaru guesthouse was renovated and inaugurated in 2018, and it is quite comfortable. Due to its lofty location, you can take in the breathtaking sunsets. The guesthouse contains 8 double bedrooms, each with a private bathroom, air conditioning, a refrigerator, hot water safe, and a hairdryer. The bedrooms are tastefully and simply decorated. private lavatory The tourist beach (bikini beach) may be reached on foot in 3 minutes.