Kandooma Thila is one of the most amazing dive sites in South Male Atoll, Maldives. It's set up north of Kandooma Island and comprises of a meridian thrusting from a depth of 40 measures/ 130 bases to 12 measures/ 40 bases beneath the face. The loftiest point of the reef is fat in coral development. The point is one of the most mind- blowing spots to see some wolf exertion. White-tip sharks, grey reef sharks, and tiger sharks are among the species commonly sighted in this area. Due to the strong currents, the site is best suited for experienced divers.

Jumping is conceivable throughout the entire time, with water temperatures of 27 °C/ 80 °F or further. Extraordinary perceivability of over to 30 measures/ 100 bases.

Divers visiting the top dive site Kandooma Thila in the Maldives can anticipate encountering a wide variety of marine species. The clear waters at this site provide excellent visibility under favorable conditions. This enables divers to appreciate the detailed beauty of the coral formations and the lively marine ecosystem that exists within. Exploring the rich marine biodiversity of the pinnacle, divers will come across numerous marine species and corals.

Kandooma Thila, South Male Atoll

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Best Time To Visit In Kandooma Thila

Best Time To Visit In Kandooma Thila

Making a plunge the South Male Atoll is conceivable consistently, in spite of the fact that ocean conditions are typically best during the upper east storm from late December to May. The southwest rainstorm is from June to November and carries with it a more noteworthy possibility of downpour and a less quiet oceans. Nonetheless, precipitation here happens less habitually than in the southern atolls of the Maldives. The water temperature in the South Male Atoll goes from 26 to 29 ° C. Perceivability is from 15-30 m lasting through the year, contingent upon which side of the atoll you are make a plunge either season. 

Mantas, whale sharks, turtles, reef sharks and hammerhead sharks live in the Maldives throughout the entire year; Manta beams gather in huge groups during the southwest rainstorm.  With respect to other pelagics, impacts rely upon non-occasional elements: whale sharks are all the more frequently discovered during solid tides, while hammerhead sharks ascend from the profundities in shallow water at dawn. 

Affirmed liveaboards run from November to May. On the off chance that you wish to show up external these months, at that point it very well might be more hard to track down a flight date that will fulfill you.

What to See In Maldives

What to See In Maldives

Amphibian life is the awesome, you will without a doubt encounter Manta Rays, Sharks and Turtles. Whale sharks are exceptionally basic here, and are spotted regularly. 

At any rate six channels give approaches to solid supplement rich flows to enter the South Male Atoll, and this marvel draws in huge schools of fish, reef sharks, and numerous other huge pelagics. Indeed, the South Male Atoll is regularly viewed as the fundamental territory of the reef sharks of the Central Atolls. Then again, hard coral cover stays better on North Malé, despite the fact that plunging trips in the South Male Atoll will in any case give you pictures of bountiful beautiful delicate corals on numerous destinations. 

The South Male Atoll is brimming with marine life, which incorporates such species as sweetlips, pipefish, jacks, sharks, birds, fish, barracudas, monster trevally, mantas (at season), napoleons, turtles, just as excellent gorgonians, brilliant wipes, corals and ocean fans.

Popular South Male Atoll Liveaboard Diving

Popular South Male Atoll Liveaboard Diving

Like anyplace in the Maldives, South Male Atoll is best plunged by liveaboard so your jump dhoni can bounce between plunge locales with the least problem, and your journey can without much of a stretch sail from North Male to different objections. The length of liveaboard agendas in South Male Atoll normally goes from 7 to 10 evenings, with a financial plan from somewhat more than 200 to 350 euros each night. South Male Atoll liveaboards frequently focus on a northern or southern course to fit in a touch a greater amount of Ari and Baa (toward the north), or Vaavu and Meemu (toward the south).

The Maldives Most Popular Dive Sites

The Maldives Most Popular Dive Sites

There's a variety of energizing plunge destinations standing by to be investigated only a short distance from where you are presently.Watch reef sharks taking care of, wonder about manta beams easily coasting by, spot moray eels covering up in openings, notice turtles looking for food or perhaps look for full scale life like nudibranchs and cleaner shrimps. An assortment of energizing jump locales are accessible, yet the 5 ones - Embudu Kandu, Guraidhoo Kandu, Losfushi Corner, Kadooma Caves and Kuda Giri Wreck - should go in the event that you investigate submerged universe of South Male atoll.

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