With COCO Palm Dhuni Kolhu, travel with kindness

With Kind Traveler, the first ethical Give + Get hotel booking platform that enables tourists to have a positive impact on the areas they visit, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu is pleased to be working together. With selected Kind Hotels, exclusive pricing & benefits are unlocked in exchange for a $10 donation to a nearby charity that benefits the area being visited, or to the charity of the traveler's choosing on Kind Traveler. A triple win for the traveller, charity, and hotel results from the donation being made in full.
We have been working with the Olive Ridley Project to rescue and treat wounded sea turtles for a long time. When sea turtles become entangled in marine debris, swallow fishing hooks, are hit by boats, or are improperly kept as pets, they frequently sustain severe injuries. The Olive Ridley Project Marine Turtle Rescue Centre, the first turtle rescue facility in the Maldives run by a veterinarian, is located at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu. Since it opened in 2017, the facility, which is fully furnished with a lab, x-ray, ultrasound, an endoscope, and surgical equipment, has recovered and returned to the wild over 107 turtles.
The Olive Ridley Project can be supported by guests who choose to stay at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu by providing special rates as a return for donations.
The Olive Ridley Project's key humanitarian goals, which include boosting their rescue and rehabilitation operations and advancing knowledge of sea turtle veterinarian care, will be aided by a $10 donation.
In Booking's 2021 Sustainable Travel Study, nearly 70% of travellers said they wanted assurances that their money was helping the places they visited.
The Olive Ridley Project, Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu, and Kind Traveler have teamed up to make it simple for tourists to plan ethical, responsible trips that benefit the neighbourhood.
The 'Kind Factors', a term used to define how the hotel is promoting individual wellbeing, sustainability, and community impact, are highlighted in the hotel profile by Kind Traveler in a meaningful way by linking the traveller with the local community impact opportunity. A commitment to social responsibility is reinforced by this innovative method of presenting the hotel's narrative at a time when consumers and travellers alike want transparency.
A portion of our prominent Kind Elements at Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu incorporate an in-house water cleansing and glass packaging plant to lessen the utilization of single-utilize plastic, a Culinary specialist's Nursery where they develop their own organic products, spices, and vegetables, a coral cultivating task to replant and restore their coral reefs, and the utilization of nearby materials and craftwork, for example, conventional Maldivian finish work. Our island is likewise a settling site for green ocean turtles, with the on location Sea life Scholar cooperating with the Olive Ridley Task to safeguard and record these homes until incubating.
An officer of relaxation is welcomed by COCO Bodu Hithi

We're all excitedly anticipating Dr. Audrey Tang's visit in February!
Dr. Tang is an award-winning business author who specialises in providing readers with useful tools for wellbeing. She is a Chartered Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. She will move in with us at Coco Bodu Hithi and start working as our Relaxation Officer.
With its natural serenity, an unforgettable spa and yoga experience, a variety of amenities, and exclusive services to achieve the highest level of zen, Coco Bodu Hithi embodies the qualities of a relaxing stay. "Everyone deserves the chance to fully relax, which is why we are pleased to welcome Dr. Audrey Tang to our resort as the first Relaxation Officer. Her main duty at Coco Bodu Hithi is to help guests unwind completely so they may leave the island feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the year, according to Shafa Shabeer, director of marketing for Coco Collection.
According to a research, the average Brit experiences stress three times every day, with a startling 73 percent of respondents feeling as though they were juggling too many balls. The majority of individuals surveyed concur that January is the most stressful month of the year. Most Brits (39%) choose to go for a walk to relieve stress, while 29% try to enjoy some sunshine. One can't beat a swim in the ocean while feeling anxious, according to 9 percent of participants, and 16 percent of participants claimed the sound of waves breaking on a beach relaxes them.
"Over the years, stress has increased among people as they've dealt with everything from managing the present economic situation to surviving a pandemic. We frequently undervalue how essential it is to ensure that we lead healthy and fulfilling lives, which is why working on a beautiful island like Coco Bodu Hithi is my dream job. Relaxation offers a wide range of health advantages, including lowered blood pressure, improved digestion, decreased muscle tension, and many more. Coco Bodu Hithi provides visitors with the ideal blend of sun, sea, and sand to assist visitors unwind thanks to the wide variety of fresh produce and the lovely island sea and beach setting. Dr. Tang says.
In this role, Dr. Tang will support visitors' complete relaxation and de-stressing through mindful activities like led barefoot walks, intention-setting exercises, and positive psychology workshops.
Please visit www.cococollection.com for additional details.
Watch out for Coco Collection resorts packages and specials; we want to get you here faster and give you more time to spend with us.
About Coco: The two opulent resorts in the Maldives are managed by Coco Collection. Coco Bodu Hithi transforms island culture into chic modernity. The Maldives' breathtaking natural wonder and inspiring beauty are the focus of Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu. Since our founding in 2005, Coco Collection has created five-star resorts with a variety of personalities and garnered recognition for its creative drive. Every Maldives Coco Collection Resort is a sanctuary for travellers and fashionistas. Each one honours the architecture and atmosphere of the Maldives. However, each presents a unique and remarkable reality.

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