One of only a handful few eating places in Maafushi where you can discover flavorful pizza, Nero Cafe offers a menu that loaded down with the typical Italian famous dishes (practically liberal segments), arranged by Italian principles. Area incorporate a smorgasbord and a pizza shop. The nature of the dishes is phenomenal and quick assistance, in addition to sensible costs; it's no big surprise why Nero Cafe is one of the well known bistros on the island. Notwithstanding pizza and pastas, servings of mixed greens, sandwiches, fried fish and French fries, nearby curries and soups are served here. The restauran's set menu has in excess of a couple of sorts of pasta, from spaghetti to ravioli, and very nearly 5 appetizing sauces.
Opening times: 07:00 - 21:00
area: Miskiy Magu Roadl, Maafushi island, Maldives
kitchen: italian, pizza joint, maldivian
telephone: +9607921000
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