
The Lionfishes poisonous fish in the world, otherwise called zebra fish, or Striped Lionfish (Pterois volitans) is a fish of the Scorpion fish family. As indicated by various species, relatives have various viewpoints. Additionally called 'Lion Fish', it has a huge pectoral and dorsal balance, painted in a striped tone. They are noted for their venomous balance spines, which are fit for creating difficult, however infrequently lethal, stabbings. Serious torment is trailed by a deteriorating of the condition, which closes with loss of motion of the skeletal and respiratory muscles, which not once in a while can cause passing. The fishes have expanded pectoral balances and stretched dorsal blade spines, and every species bears a specific example of striking, zebralike stripes. At the point when upset, the fish spread and show their balances and, if further squeezed, will present and assault with the dorsal spines. A standout amongst other realized species is the red lionfish (Pterois volitans), a noteworthy fish in some cases kept by fish fanciers. Overall, this fish is extremely quiet, and can be perilous just on the off chance that you upset or contact it.
Moray Eel

The Eels family (Muraenidae) fish of the Maldives, because of its appearance has acquired a negative standing. Species, for example, bound moray, banished thucklip moray, monster and dim moray (Favagineus, Gymnothorax Javanicus, Gymnothorax Undulatus, Siderea Grisea) are not difficult to spot during swimming and making a plunge the Maldives. Moray eels are generally clearly stamped or hued. They for the most part don't surpass a length of about 1.5 meters (5 feet), yet one animal groups, Thyrsoidea macrurus of the Pacific, is known to develop about 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) long. Moray eels vary from different eels in having little adjusted gill openings and in for the most part deficient with regards to pectoral balances. Their skin is thick, smooth, and scaleless, while the mouth is wide and the jaws are outfitted with solid, sharp teeth, which empower them to seize and hold their prey (essentially different fishes) yet in addition to incur genuine injuries on their adversaries, including people. Notwithstanding huge teeth, the moray eel is a quiet fish, whose negative standing is most likely procured from its magnificent appearance: the creature should continually keep its mouth open for appropriate relaxing. They are adept to assault people just when upset, yet then they can be very horrible.
Great Barracuda

Arriving at 2 meters long, the Great Barracuda (Sphyraena Barracuda) otherwise called the monster barracuda has a place with the Sphyraena family and as a rule lives in shallow water. Now and again, enormous examples can weigh up to 23 kg. Having a head with an enormous lower jaw loaded with sharp teeth, a few types of barracuda can be risky for individuals. They are foragers, and may confuse swimmers with huge hunters, following them in order to eat the remaining parts of their prey. Barracudas may confuse things that gleam and sparkle with prey. Jewel rings and other sparkling items have been known to grab their eye and look like prey to them.
While barracudas show a perplexing propensity for inquisitively following jumpers and swimmers, assaults on people are uncommon. Frequently, an assault comprises of a solitary strike wherein the fish endeavors to take prey from a lance, or, more than likely confuses a sparkly article with a fish. While genuine, assaults are rarely deadly, nibbles can bring about gashes and the deficiency of some tissue. Thinking about its savage perspective, handfeeding or contacting enormous barracuda all in all is to be evaded.
Giant Triggerfish

A huge types of triggerfish found in tidal ponds and at reefs to profundities of 50 m (160 ft) in the majority of the Maldives. The titan triggerfish or monster triggerfish (Balistoides Viridescens) arrives at a length of around 75 cm, and weighs up to 10 kg and can basically mess with you. It is very amazing in size and has incredible teeth. Despite the fact that nibbles are not venomous, the solid teeth can deliver genuine injury that may require clinical consideration. The titan triggerfish is generally careful about jumpers and swimmers, however during the generation season the female monitors its home, which is set in a level sandy territory, overwhelmingly against any interlopers. The danger act incorporates the triggerfish confronting the gatecrasher while holding its first dorsal spine erect. In the event that you get excessively close, the fish starts to swim around you, and take an even position. Right now you should leave this spot right away. The titan triggerfish won't generally chomp, however can swim at snorkellers and jumpers accompanying them out of their domain.