Hanifaru Bay

With high marine biodiversity, the solitary biosphere hold in the Maldives, Baa Atoll is home to the ambundant of marine life and the submerged universe of striking excellence. The primary fascination of Baa Atoll is Hanifaru Bay, known as a favorable place for dim reef sharks and stingrays and is found 5 minutes by boat from Dharavandhoo Island. Hanifaru is a remote location in the Maldives with a little, shut, submerged inlet about the size of a football field, referred to local people as 'Vandhumaafaru Adi'. Hanifaru inlet is additionally one of the not very many spots on the planet where whale sharks come to mate. Be that as it may, the most well known Hanifaru brought the puzzling, effortless, curious and enchanting Mantas (Manta alfredi), the grouping of which during the periods of microscopic fish can reach up to 200 species. The extraordinary biodiversity inside this narrows was shaped because of the immense masses of microscopic fish collecting there from May to November.
Many these enormous, agile, cartilaginous plate-ribbon fish accumulate for a gala in tiny fish rich waters. It isn't astounding that, along with the manta, others, like submerged picture takers, herd to this astonishing Maldives' inlet.
Little Hanifaru Island and its encompassing waters are secured oceanic zone. Hanifaru Bay is just for swimming, plunging is restricted here. During the exursion you should stay away from mantas inside 3 meters from the head and 4 meters from the tail. You ought not move toward the ocean creature from the front or cross its direction, stop it and swim with it. It is permitted to take photographs, yet without streak. Contacting, stroking or in any event, moving nearer is disallowed and there are prepared officers who control your developments.
Snorkling with Manta Rays

Prior to the presentation of these standards, the site was packed with boats and vacationers. Eventually, the quantity of whale sharks and mantas pointedly declined, it is accepted that this is because of human mediation. Accordingly, it is vital to adhere to the standards of conduct to save this astounding spot.
On the off chance that you need to visit Hanifaru Bay, you should initially enlist at the guest community on Dharavandhoo Island. This middle is overseen by the Baa Atoll Nature Conservation Fund - BACF. Here you can request and pay for a swimming visit with a guide. Cost about $ 35.
At the point when the tide comes, the fortunate snorkel darlings come to see and catch the fuming, turning feast. When in doubt, taking care of manta is similar to artful dance over a coral reef. In any case, because of the shut space and countless creatures, everybody disregard the state of affairs. Their normal musicality of taking care of is supplanted by an insane eating up, which prompts total complication, as though many vehicles hit each other with guards.
Watching manta taking care of in Hanifaru Bay is an extraordinary sight. Manta Rays go to the cove solely after the tide, initial individually, and afterward unexpectedly the number can increment to 200 people that are in the straight from 2 to 4 hours. This little submerged territory in blend with a rich tiny fish soup, changed the characteristic taking care of propensities for these smooth animals, whose wingspan can reach up to 3.5 m.
Mantas as a rule feed in a force law way, being an example of conduct when the body rolls and swims at the surface to channel water with tiny fish through the head with totally open mouths, and which at that point revisit the gills. Sightseers rush to this shut soup bowl to watch the "tornado taking care of" manta. During mass taking care of, at least 50 manta line up with tails and bend a goliath pipe with its blades, where, as in a vacuum cleaner, tiny fish is pulled in. On the off chance that the number increments to 100, the manta twisting twistings crazy and turmoil results. Without a doubt, it is important to become observers of this show at any rate once in a day to day existence.
Best Time to Go

In the time frame from May to November every year, during the South-West storm, on specific days the periods of the moon enormously increment tiny fish in the cove. A particularly high focus pulls in many "channel feeders" to Hanifaru and expect to see up to 200 manta here joined by twelve whale sharks.

Today, Hanifaru Bay is viewed as the world's biggest manta beams taking care of station. For many years, Hanifaru was known to local people, who frequently visited this site for whale shark chasing. During the 1990s, the spot was opened by jumpers and such an exhibition was not left well enough alone for quite a while, and soon up to 14 boats attempted to crush into this little territory every day, hanging tight for a dynamite submerged show. Public Geografic magazine stoked the fire by posting photographs and recordings of taking care of Mantas.
An emotional improvement came in 2008, when the Ministry of Fisheries (which is additionally approved by the law on the making of unique stores), chose to rent Hanifaru Bay on a drawn out premise, which included advancement for modern purposes. The Bluepeace and other invested individuals made a move, and effective fights shut down modern advancement in Hanifaru.
Understanding that the inlet will transform into a carnival field and the circumstance will consistently impact the biology of the zone, a functioning life position was received, and in 2009 the Maldives government proclaimed this straight as a marine hold. In 2011, it was likewise perceived as the fundamental secured region inside the structure of the UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve covering the islands of Baa Atoll.