With the outright by and large unimpeachable and un-plunged reefs in the Northern Maldives, making a dive Raa Atoll is renowned as a result of the unexpected breadth of thila sprinkled contained by its lagoons. The a variety of marine life among the caves, sunglasses and drop-offs is at this point unemployed to man, and as such will draw a great deal ever closer an beyond belief lowered knowledge where the company can see the value in the quintessential Maldives hopping experience without the gatherings. The Raa's atoll zone is moderately seen for offering a first class, adjusted lowered scene, with plentiful reef fish, natural topography, and blue-water visitors raa atoll maldives resorts.

 An tremendously durable spot to remain for twelve overload retreats, Raa Atoll (generally called Northern Maalhosmadulu Atoll or Maalhosmadulu Uthuruburi) is tracked down north of Baa atoll best water villas, and disconnected solely by a thin channel and lies along the western edge of the Maldives. Like its neighbor, Raa opened to jumpers later than the Focal Atolls, and the province really remainder for the most part un-amassed today. Desire to see a gargantuan volume of fish attendance with an astounding widespread variety of species together with the pelagic beautiful maldives.

 Inside its 60 kilometer length, Raa brags in excess of 90 islands, around 16 of which are inhabite not considering of the way that spending the association business isn't made there. Resort set up vigorous is possible as for Raa atoll, while liveaboards head to the area in the mid year months due to the large quantity of manta bars and whale sharks. Malé is one of the Maldives liveaboard disappearance regions for Raa Atoll liveaboards. On liveaboards merging Raa with the Far Northern Atolls, all the same, Hanimadhoo or Dharavandhoo may be the port of departure. These complaints can be arrived at by local takeoffs from Velana Air terminal book maldives resorts.

Diving in Raa Atoll

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Best Time

Best Time

Making a plunge Raa Atoll is imaginable right through the entire year, yet the upper east thunderstorm from January to May permits the calmest surface circumstances while the southwest storm from May to November now and then makes the oceans rather rough. The perceivability anywhere in the range of 10 and 20 meters nad the water temperature as a rule stays wherever in the range of 27 and 30 C implying that a shorty wetsuit is satisfactory for most scuba jumpers. 

 Flows shift however are generally levelheaded by all procedure when dropping inside the atolls, as divergent to in the channels. The vast preponderance of the jumps are subsequently inside the atolls. Nonetheless, the mantas and whale sharks are normally copious from August to November, so think about an pleasure trip during that season if the monsters are your main need.



What to See

What to See

Making a plunge Raa Atoll for the most part fixates on Raa's apexes, or thilas, however jump trips some of the time visit a kandu or two also. Raa thilas display the Northern Atolls' trade name geology of shades and natural hollows. The tone on the reefs comes from dynamic, influencing delicate corals, a few locales in Raa have pleasurable hard coral, a more astonishing sight in the Northern Maldives. 

The reefs and thilas in Raa Atoll have a ton to bring to the table – the marine life is an various from extremely large schools of tropical reef fish, charming insubstantial corals up to hawk beams, mantas, turtles and sharks. There are plentiful types of wrasse among the reefs. Monster, lemon meringue, spotted and bird, which has a long nose, are only a couple of them. On the sandy bottoms, you'll find whiskery scorpionfish. Among the delicate and hard corals you'll discover nudibranchs, vivid wipes, expound ocean fans, shellfish and octopus. 

It's an ideal opportunity to purchase that underwater GoPro camera that you've been promising physically.


Liveaboard Diving in Raa Atoll

Liveaboard Diving in Raa Atoll

Liveaboards to Raa Atoll in the North male Atolls of Maldives, are known for having a wonderful volume of fish with a astonishing wide range of variety. Like its sister atoll Baa, it opened to jumpers later than the Central Atolls, and the territory actually remnants reasonably un-swarmed today. Raa is found north of Baa, isolated completely by a slender channel and lies along the western edge of the Maldives. Inside its 60 kilometer length, Raa brags more than 90 islands, around 16 of which are occupied. There is a decent decision of Maldives liveaboard vessels that work agendas which incorporate Raa Atoll.

Most Popular Dive Sites

Most Popular Dive Sites

Raa Atoll' s apexes, similar to Baa Atoll plunge locales, have amazing fish biomass and variety and you can find 98 kinds of coral that are home to more than 220 types of marine life. Jumpers who like to know and study their fish will appreciate the sheer assortment of species at Raa, made much more energizing by their plenitude. Fenfushi Giri and Reethi Thila are the two most celebrated destinations; jumpers here have a decent possibility of being totally encircled by fish. Hole and shades are basic at Raa, as in numerous regions of the Northern Atolls, and jumpers ought to make certain to investigate them for soldierfish and squirrelfish, and even Napoleon wrasse. There are the Mantas in the Raa atoll for almost the whole year around. 


Other than an assortment of plunge locales spread around the atoll, some island resorts have a great reef houses ideal for entertainment only jumping. On the off chance that you devotee of swimming, Carpe Diem Beach Resort and Spa, Reethi Faru Resort, Dhigali, Furveri Island are spots to remain. 


Reethi Thila additionally offers heaps of fish, and species variety at this site is frequently rumored to be fabulous. Beriyan Kuda Thila is additionally a locales frequented by Raa plunge dhonis, where a combination of shades, reef fish, and pelagic trackers like jacks makes for an exuberant jump. Rainbow Caves is one of the decent jump site to have simple plunge with loads of pleasant caverns. Kuroshi giri gulch its incredible jump for all level off jumpers, you can swim through the Canyon at 13 - 20 meters depth.so numerous pleasant shades with bunches of decent corals on the reef makes this reef promising for the jumpers.


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