Fish Market

Fish Market is an unquestionable requirement, that you can not miss. You may not be fortunate when it's not occupied, yet there is a decent possibility that you will see every last trace of an enormous, tiled floor covered with fish. Generally this is a striped fish, with a great deal of more modest - bonito. In the event that you are fortunate, you will likewise see astonishingly enormous and weighty yellowfin fish and, presumably, wahoo, marlin and hammerhead sharks, which recharge the scope of the fish market.
What is fascinating is a practically unadulterated market where the cost is continually changing as per expectations about the size of the catch of the day and on its appearance.
Close by is the Vegetable Market, which merits a visit to discover what leafy foods are developed on the islands, and what items are created from them. Note the betel leaves, areca catechu nut and white lime, which consolidate to bring forth the lone lawful liquor in the Maldives.
On the opposite side of the road from these business sectors is the purported Atolls Harbor. The boat line dumps nearby items and burdens the imported merchandise of Male to get back to their islands. On boats live great many Maldivian individuals, burning through a large portion of their lives in swimming, and adding greater keenness to the existence of the capital.
Hukuru Miskiy

Hukuru Miskiy (Friday Mosque) is the most renowned mosque in the country. In excess of ten mosques have Friday petitions in Malé, yet this unique is one in which kings take an interest. It was implicit 1656 on the site of the primary Maldives mosque, presumably worked, thusly, on the site of the fundamental Buddhist sanctuary. Buddhism went before Islam in quite a bit of this island country.
In the event that you can't see the exceptional cut boards, lacquering and striking calligraphy, blurred red inside the mosque, at that point appreciate its cozy quietness and magnificence, and afterward inspect the astonishing coral carvings outwardly or more the gravestones. Stones with gold plaques on the tops are rulers, male graves, cycle ones are female. After twenty years, a similar ruler, Iskander I, after he was on the hajj, was assembled probably the biggest minaret. It is depicted as a "model of Mecca."
Medhu Ziyaariay (Abul Barakat Yoosuf Al Barbary Grave)

A lovely minaret remains across the street at the last resting spot of Abul Barakat Yoosuf from Tabriz in Persia, who turned the Maldives to Islam in 1153. It's called Medhu Ziyara.
Behind Ziyarat stands the previous official home, Muleeage. The first house was underlying 1913 by designers from Sri Lanka, and the development of the structure was finished in 1993. Previous President Gaiuum two years after the fact fabricated another official castle on Orchid Magu. It is called Theemuge after an early administration.
Sultan Park

Just from Muleeage is one of the keep going green spots on the island. King Park replaces a piece of the authentic royal residence grounds of the Rulers. It is available to guests consistently, however is shockingly minimal utilized, besides on Fridays.
In the southeast corner of the recreation center there is an old, smaller and captivating mosque called Kalhu Vakaru Miski. Beforehand, it was elsewhere, at that point sold at closeout, revamped at the retreat (presently full moon), returned and recreated here. You will see that between the gigantic cut, coral stones and nails in the wood there is no mortar. The mystery is the foundation: these squares show bolted swinging doors and a latch.